Products & Services

Lighthouse Learning Resources offers a diverse range of services in addition to Educational Consulting. LLR provides online training for parent/guardian and child related to anxiety, online training to support longevity in employment placement, support for the complex science of handwriting, and Police Officer support for our men and women in blue.
​LLR is a vendor for several Greater Houston Area school districts providing professional development, educator coaching, in-home training based on a child's IEP, sensory aware environments for schools, pediatric - medical and dental offices, preschools, churches, etc.
LLR is currently promoting our curriculum, The Anchor Teaching Framework, a comprehensive curriculum for ALL students of ALL ages anched in neuroscience; 8 Sensory Systems, Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems, and the Limbic System.
Browse through our list and find out how we can help you achieve your educational goals. LLR is making a difference one starfish at a time.